Data Science
Master the skills of Data Engineer, Data Scientist, and Data Analyst. Learn Data Science and get assistance in finding a job!
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Dalam peringkat Inc. - 100 perusahaan rintisan paling sukses tahun 2021
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Number #1 Course in Jakarta based on Course Report evaluation
IT specialists earn from 20 million Rupiah on average
20 Million Rupiah
More than 1000 job openings for Data Scientist & Data Analyst professions based on JobStreet
Want to work for
an international company?
Give it a try!
Which films are the most popular?
Which director should Netflix choose for their next film?
Together, we will analyze the IMDb dataset and the best films on the server:
Which films generate the most profit?
During the workshop, you will experience working as a junior data analyst at Netflix and complete real tasks.
Watch the lesson, complete the easy tasks, and you will find out:
Who are data analysts and what do they do?
Why is data analyst an in-demand profession that will always be relevant?
How to start earning Rp20 million in 2023?
You will learn how to succeed in the IT field and how increase your income
What skills need to be developed to become
a data analyst?
You will gain basic knowledge in Excel, SQL,
and Python.
Bootcamp Data Analyst & Data Scientist
The course is designed for beginners to pursue careers as Data Engineers, Data Scientists, and Data Analysts.
The Gateway to the Industry
Direct guidance from professional instructors with 1-on-1 mentoring facilities.
1-On-1 Mentoring
Creation of a final project with data analytics (Time Series and Machine Learning).
Portfolio Projects
Free training in creating CVs and interviews, as well as job consultation.
Career Training
Assistance in finding jobs in over 800 hiring partner companies after graduation.
Job Finding Assistance
Self-development consultation sessions
to develop soft skills as a Data Analyst.
Growth Mindset
Ulasan siswa
I have just completed the Tomoru Data Science course, and I must say it exceeded all my expectations. The course is comprehensive, covering everything from statistics to advanced machine learning. The instructor is a knowledgeable and excellent communicator. The user-friendly platform interface makes learning easy. Highly recommended for aspiring data scientists!
Mc Gee Alda Acebedo
This course has unlocked my potential in the field of Data Science. The course materials are well-organized and up-to-date, providing a comprehensive understanding of key concepts. The interactive learning platform and knowledgeable instructors make the entire experience engaging and beneficial. Tomoru is the gateway for aspiring Data Scientists!
Ildhan Gustyan
Mastering Data Science has never been easier. This platform offers a user-friendly interface, allowing intuitive navigation through course materials. The instructors are not only experts in their fields but also supportive and responsive to any questions or issues.
Arfhie Kurniawan
Data Analytics Course:
Only 30 spots left!
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IDR 500.000
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